
This is the website and document repository for the Rosario Property Owners Association (RPOA), a non-profit corporation based in the Rosario community of Orcas Island, Washington State. RPOA is a voluntary membership association established in 1971 and incorporated in 1986 under RCW 24.03 (now RCW 24.03A).

Access to some of this website is limited by username/password to RPOA members. To obtain access, join RPOA. If you have lost your username/password, contact RPOA at info@rpoa.site.

Recent Posts

Update from the Board

Posted on 16 May 2023

Thank you for becoming members of RPOA for the current calendar year. We are also grateful to the members who attended the special membership meeting held April 29, 2023.

By vote, our members approved 4 of the 5 resolutions placed before them at that special meeting. Those 4 resolutions have been incorporated into the existing revised bylaws. The rejection of the 5th resolution led to further amendments to the revised bylaws. As a result, the board will again ask you, RPOA members, to approve the proposed revised bylaws. This request will be forthcoming.

...click here to read the rest of this post.

Read This First!

Posted on 06 April 2023

RPOA is at a crux, and the information on this site is intended to help you, a member or potential member, get informed.

There’s a lot here. Start with this page, then make sure you have joined (or rejoined) to become a member in good standing (there’s an important members’ meeting coming up). This site also contains corporate records (minutes, etc.) and bylaws.

To get familiar with the changes being considered to RPOA’s purpose and bylaws, read this full post.

...click here to read the rest of this post.

Special Members' Meeting on April 29

Posted on 05 April 2023

Saturday, April 29 at 2 p.m. in the Rosario Mansion large dining area (go right when entering though main doors). You must be a paid member in good standing to attend.

If a quorum is not present, the meeting will be adjourned1 until May 13 at the same time on the Recreation Area lawn between the Rosario Resort Marina and the Bowtie Lagoon.

The following major items will be on the agenda:

  1. Confirmation of steps taken by the board to reinstate the association
  2. Changes to Articles of Incorporation (and the Association’s purpose statement)
  3. Changes to Bylaws
  4. Confirmation of board of directors

...click here to read the rest of this post.

Q&A Sessions on Apr. 18 & 23 (via Zoom)

Posted on 03 April 2023

On Tuesday, April 18 at 7 p.m., and again on Sunday, April 23 at 7 p.m., RPOA will host Q&A sessions via Zoom video conferencing to answer questions from neighbors about RPOA’s 2019 administrative dissolution, its new executive board, pending revision of its purpose and bylaws, and other related topics that may be on people’s minds.

Please take advantage of this opportunity for discussion ahead of the formal meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 29.

Zoom link for the April 18 session (click to join meeting):

Zoom link for the April 23 session (click to join meeting):

New E-mail Groups for Announcements and Discussion

Posted on 02 April 2023

RPOA has two e-mail groups: announce@rpoa.simplelists.com and discuss@rpoa.simplelists.com.

announce is a low-volume, announcements-only, moderated e-mail distribution list for important neighborhood news and announcements. All members are added. Traffic is kept very light (generally less than one post per week) and “reply-all” is disabled. If you have something you’d like to send to this list, route it to info@rpoa.site with a brief explanation of when and why it should go to the group.

discuss is an open forum for neighborhood discussion and is only lightly moderated. Suggested topics: social/activity coordinating, buy/sell, discussion of topics related to the neighborhood, etc.

Click here for additional information, posting guidelines, and to sign up for either list.

For your convenience, you can sign up for announce@rpoa.simplelists.com here:

Start the sign-up for announce@rpoa.simplelists.com